Real Estate Investing Coach / Speaker/ Mentor

Being financially free isn’t just about making money. You also have to manage it well. Learn more about Jay...

From San Francisco, CA, Jay is a real estate investor, coach, mentor, and connector with a deep passion to inspire and positively impact others by helping them achieve their real estate, and wealth building goals. 

Through strategic and meaningful relationships, networking, and partnerships, Jay has scaled his Real Estate portfolio from 1 to 100+ units spanning from California, across the sunbelt states with a focus on residential multifamily. 

Experienced in short/long term rental/hospitality, rehabs, capital raising, Jay continues to grow his portfolio all while educating communities of investors and entrepreneurs.

Connect with Coach Jay Maranan


Real Estate Investing Coach / Speaker/ Mentor

Being financially free isn’t just about making money. You also have to manage it well. Learn more about Jay...

From San Francisco, CA, Jay is a real estate investor, coach, mentor, and connector with a deep passion to inspire and positively impact others by helping them achieve their real estate, and wealth building goals. 

Through strategic and meaningful relationships, networking, and partnerships, Jay has scaled his Real Estate portfolio from 1 to 100+ units spanning from California, across the sunbelt states with a focus on residential multifamily. 

Experienced in short/long term rental/hospitality, rehabs, capital raising, Jay continues to grow his portfolio all while educating communities of investors and entrepreneurs

"In Zen Coast University I was able to build confidence which was huge for me to take steps forward towards my goals and achieving them"


Jay Maranan
OG Member of ZCU Community

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